Our post today is brought to you by Lorraine Regel, co-author of one of our absolute favorite new books for moms and moms-to-be.Having a baby is easily the biggest lifestyle change I have experienced. It has been like entering a whole new world, without a map, guidebook or phrasebook. Luckily, after only a few weeks adrift in ‘Baby World’, I was lucky to find some fellow castaways and soon built up a lifesaving band of mommy friends. Chatting with this group I discovered a whole lot more truthful and helpful info than I did reading the typical baby book. The group was soon discussing the nitty-gritty about how difficult breastfeeding really is and how explosive baby poo can be; sharing tales of vaporised sex drives; admitting that it’s fairly common to pee your pants at this stage postpartum. Quite often it’s not an answer to a problem that brings relief, but simply knowing that what’s happening is normal; other moms have been there. It makes you feel a whole heap better to have a comrade and being able to laugh about your woes with other moms might just save your sanity.
So when fellow new mom Erica approached me suggesting we collaborate on a baby book, I immediately saw the chance to get these ‘no one told me’ topics out in the open. Why not make a practical, helpful and humorous survival guide covering the things no one else tells you?
The Survival Guide for Rookie Moms is a practical, visual and amusing book that is primarily a compilation of all the ‘I wish I had known’ comments from our mommy circles, bolstered with useful tips, expert advice and know-how. Through a humorous style and fun cartoon illustrations we hope to raise a smile from the reader even through the pain of chafed nipples; regardless of the fact that she can’t sit down except on a doughnut cushion; even when she hasn’t slept more than four hours in the last forty-eight.
The Survival Guide for Rookie Moms by Erica Wells and Lorraine Regel (John Wiley, Canada) spills the dark and dirty beans on what it’s really like to survive that first incredible year of motherhood - available now in book stores across Canada and soon to be released in the USA. Get a copy now on
ChaptersIndigo.ca or pre-order on