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Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Well, it's Monday again! Even though Monday's can be tough, if you look at them in a positive way, you can think of Monday as a to have a fresh start. Last week wasn't so great? On Monday if you set yourself up to have a good week and picture yourself as being successful and accomplished, your goals for a nice week just might come true!

In fact, studies have shown positive thinking can greatly effect pregnancy. Yes, it is common to feel sluggish, unattractive and bloated when pregnant, but sometimes you just have to try to trick your mind to overcome those bad sentiments. Not feeling comfortable in your body today? Trick yourself into feeling good by putting on a cute outfit. Overwhelmed about this weekend's baby shower? Take two minutes to put on your favorite song and belt it out. Shifting yourself away from a negative state of mentality can sometimes make you feel a little better. Not always, but sometimes. And if all else fails, grab a bar of chocolate!

Wonder how we have suddenly turned so philosophical? We are new subscribers to an online "multi-vitamin" for your soul, called The Daily Love. This fantastic little site, provides morsels of inspiration and texts of wisdom on a daily basis for free. Since we are now feeling a little more zen, we want all you pregnant ladies out there to get happy as well! Here is a little quote to remind you that though pregnancy is tough, take time to enjoy this part of your life's journey:

" Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late. Today, this hour, this minute is the day, the hour, the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good, with all of its trials and troubles and perhaps more interesting because of them"
-Robert R. Updegraff

Aren't you feeling better already??

Also, on a positive note-Celine Dion and Matt Damon both had their kiddies this weekend! Congrats to both of them and their families. We think that the picture above looks like the face Celine was making when she was pushing those twins out! Ooooooh!!!

Have a happy, healthy Monday!

The Moody Mamas


  1. I entered The Moody Mamas giveaway at Belly Itch's blog.

  2. I also entered the Moody Mamas giveaway at the Belly Itch blog. :)
